
To make a donation…

Please click one of the links below:

Donations made through the “Donate in Sterling” and “Donate in Euros” buttons will go to the Falcon College Overseas Trust which is registered with the UK Charities Commission, Charity No 294169. The Trust may be able to claim Gift Aid on donations made by UK Income Tax payers.

Donations through the “Donate in US Dollars” button will go to Falcon Foundation USA, Inc., a non-profit company which the US Internal Revenue Service designates as a 501 (c) 3 organisation with EIN 47-2732972. US Federal taxpayers may be able to claim their donation as a deduction on their Federal Income Tax return if they itemise.

Falcon College Overseas Trust and Falcon Foundation USA, Inc. are both constituents of the Falcon Foundation which is governed by the Falconian Society. All donations ultimately support Falcon College.

If you have questions on:

  • your donation and income tax
  • donations by wire, bank transfer or cheque*

…please contact Peter Coulson

* We have banking facilities in Australia, Canada, Europe (Euros), New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom, the United States and Zimbabwe.

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The Falcon

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For Falconians in UK/Europe.
Ties, caps, T-shirts, rugby shirts
All proceeds go to the Foundation.
