Falconians Remembered

This page is where we honour the memory of those Falconians who are no longer with us.

Note that an entry with ‘Pending‘ instead of a View button does not have an obituary written yet.  If you can write this entry or know someone who can, please get in touch via the Contact Us page with some text and, ideally, a picture to go with it.

First Name Last Name House From Left Died View
Robin Adams Oates 1960 1964 28th January 2014
Charles Anderson Hervey 1973 1977 2nd June 2002
Julian Arthur George Grey 1974 1978 1st August 2017 Pending
Ronald Babikanyisa George Grey 1998 2001 23rd October 2020 Pending
John Benwell Hervey 1966 1968 1998
Matthew Brooks George Grey 1968 1972 5th June 1977
Bruce Burrell George Grey 1971 1975 16th December 1976
Wayne Clark Hervey 1989 1992 11th July 2012
Gil Cottrell Founders 1958 1962 February 2009
Brian Coventry Founders 1972 1976 3rd November 2019 Pending
Christopher Douie Hervey 1978 1984 11th July 2020 Pending
Johannes Erasmus Founders 1988 1993 13th August 1999 Pending
Shaun Evans Hervey 1980 1983 16th June 2011
Kobus Ferreira Staff 2011 2012 2012
Nick Finneron Founders 1962 1967 16th February 2015
Walter Fletcher Staff 1962 1967 23rd February 2005
Peter Gordon George Grey 1955 1961 14th March 2010
Warwick Hale Oates 1956 1958 January 2021
Ron Hartley Staff 1983 2004 5th April 2005
John Hendrie Tredgold 1958 1962 2011
Andrew Hope George Grey 1964 1966 January 1967
Innes Hounsell Tredgold 1954 1958 2012
William Jackson Founders 1973 1977 October 2017 Pending
David James George Grey 1969 1972 29th August 1979
Col. Richard Judd Staff 1954 1965 1965
John Lamb Founders 1962 1966 23rd December 1975
Michael Lawther Tredgold / George Grey 1957 1962 1962
Brian Le Roux Tredgold 1956 1957 8th February 2016
Geraint Lewis Founders 1974 1976 28th September 2018 Pending
Anthony Linck Founders 1962 1967 November 1999
Ian Lucas Tredgold 1966 1970 19th December 1979
Gordon Maclachlan Hervey 1972 1976 2nd July 1978
Kim Margesson Hervey 1972 1975 1975/76
Rory Maxwell Founders 1966 1970 16th March 1980
Peter McKinnon Tredgold 1971 1975 18th July 1981
Stewart Middleton George Grey 1962 1967 9th May 2019 Pending
Anthony Millar Tredgold 1971 1976 26th November 1978
Andrew Moncrieff Founders / George Grey 1957 1961 11th April 2020 Pending
David Morley Founders 1964 1968 2nd October 2020 Pending
David Morrist Oates 1957 1960 9th October 2012
Michael Nethersole Tredgold 1980 1987 October 2017 Pending
Stuart Page Founders 1956 1961 24th December 1968
Michael Potts Founders 1967 1968 29th November 2008
John Richardson Staff 1963 1973 20th March 2003
Brett Richmond Founders 1990 1991 1st October 1999 Pending
Norman Rixom Hervey 1962 1966 December 1966
Anne Robinson FOG   1972 April 2015
Peter Rodda Oates 1958 1961 March 1961
Mike Ross Tredgold 1967 1972 6th February 2015
Paul Salmon Oates 1968 1973 21st January 2020
Christopher Scott Hervey 1958 1961 Late 1962
Mark Selby Hervey 1967 1971 11th February 2017
Ivan Sly Founders 1972 1978 December 2017 Pending
Andrew Stobart Hervey 1978 1982 8th April 1997
Alan Taylor Staff 1970 1995 13th February 2017
Bruce Thompson Founders 1956 1988 May 1999 Pending
Dougal Turner Staff 1955 1984 30th October 2009
James Ward Hervey 1955 1960 10th October 2020 Pending
Rob Wantenaar Oates 1957 1962 October 2014
Di Wordsworth Staff 1961 1967 May 1967
Matthew Zeibari Tredgold 1984 1988 24th December 2017 Pending

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