The Falconian Society

The Falconian Society, created in 2022, replaces the Falcon Old Boys Society, and exists to bring together past pupils and staff of Falcon, to keep them in touch with each other, the College and the welfare of the College.

The Society has been structured to have a system of governance which is robust, gender-neutral and addresses the global nature of the Society (Falconians are spread around the world in at least 50 different countries).

The Society’s constitution is approved by the Board of Governors of Falcon, and a global committee with duly elected Officers manages the Society. There are six Regional Directors on the committee. The Regional Director for the Region where you live is your representative on the committee. He or she is your primary contact if you want to raise any matter with the Society. The Regional Directors are also charged with developing local organisations of the Society in their Regions.​

The current committee comprises

Brian Darling (H’68) President + Regional Director, Europe, North Africa, Middle and Far East
Peter Coulson (F’83) Falcon Foundation Trustee and Treasurer
Dave Kirkman (C’86) Headmaster
Tapiwa Mafi (GG’05) Regional Director, Zimbabwe
Mike Howe-Ely (GG’68) Regional Director, Sub-Saharan Africa (Excl. Zimbabwe)
[vacancy] Regional Director, The Americas
Michael Dodington (GG’14) Regional Director, UK and Ireland
Martin Bashall (T’72) Falcon Foundation Trustee + Member At Large
Mark Saunders (F’87) Member At Large
Ed Sankey (O’90) Falcon Foundation Trustee + Member At Large
Colin Bewes (H’79) IT / Webmaster & Member At Large

To get in touch with any of the above, please visit the Contact Us page.

The Falcon

If you would like to re-read all those copies of The Falcon Magazine, you’ll find them here.


For Falconians in UK/Europe.
Ties, caps, T-shirts, rugby shirts
All proceeds go to the Foundation.
